The Adventures of Ruffleford Brussels

The castle loomed before them as they made their way across the barren plain. Dusk was approaching and they had yet to find suitable shelter. They were alone the three of them, embarking on a journey far greater than anything they had ever imagined…

About the Author

Name:Kimberly Brown

Location:New Milford, Connecticut

This is it!!! I have finally decided to finish my novel and no matter what outside influences, positive or negative, this book must get finished. How would my characters feel if I never make them known? They are even screaming at me to make them a reality, they haunt me and in fact I even dream about them! So no more procrastinating. I will finish my book AND more importantly I will submit it to publishers, so by the end of 2006 my characters could potentially be a household name. Why not? If I don't think so who will?

The Rest of Sunshine's Stats
Jaded Confessions of an Empty Mind

Table of Contents 




Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five


I have been writing this book on and off since 1986. Obviously more off than on. I have thought, said, and acted out every excuse possible to not write this book. Why? Mainly I was frightened, frightened as much of success as I am of failure. With great support from my family and the realization that how will I ever know what could be if I don't even get in the game I have decided to forge ahead through all the fears and write my book. After all what is the worst thing that could happen? Well I suppose not getting published, on the failure side. On the success side I guess it would be becoming published. Sick huh? Let me dedicate my psychosis to my dear estranged "father". As it would seem he was exactly the same way. Amazing what genes can do since I have never met him. Having said that my book is lovingly dedicated to my best friend and sister, Debbie and my cherished son, Fred. No matter the outcome I have their love and support through it all...I don't need anything else.
I actually did do a lot of research for this book. In fact all of the 'foreign' words are derived from an old English dictionary that I came across.
Although I was 'corrected' by a writing teacher not to put pronunciations in the midst of the story because books don't get published that way. Well has anyone ever heard or read (or tried to read) The Dragons of Pern Series? Well you have a separate book to look words up to see what they are and how they are said...So that is very tedious if you ask me. They were all published. The books are excellent, don't get me wrong, but the point is books do get published with 'foreign' words requiring definition.
Anyway the whole story has been in head for years. I have written and re-written those first three chapters at least a thousand times. I became really discouraged after that advanced creative writing class. I wiped out a lot of the story. However the copy you are reading or are about to read is the original story before I had that meltdown. My family said it was better before I ever took that class so I totally wiped out all my editing and put it back the way it was. I know now that they were right. This teacher had taken all the personality out of Ruffy. Ruffy needs his voice. If you dropped by my journal blog you probably read that I also got discouraged by JK Rowling's Harry Potter Series. I was mainly mad at myself for not having the guts to have finished this years ago. Now my attitude is, Harry Potter's last adventure is coming soon and adults and children alike will be looking for a grand replacement so we'll never know if I don't get down to business will we.
So remember...
Ruffy for President!!!

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